Toyota Service Advantage+
Scheduling regular service appointments and keeping Toyota service intervals to a minimum help maintain the longevity of your vehicle and can also help prevent maintenance issues down the road. Toyota Service Centers keep a record of all your visits so you don't have to. Additionally, all your vehicle information and latest news are also available on the Toyota Owner’s Area (for more information, visit your nearest Toyota Service Centre).

Toyota Peace of Mind
Each time you visit a Toyota Service Center an extensive Multi-Point Inspection is completed over several key areas to determine if any revision should be performed to retain your vehicle’s optimal levels and improve its longevity. Elements inspected include the:
• Interior/Exterior
• Under Vehicle
• Under Hood
• Brakes & Tires

Maintain Your Toyota
The initial appointment should be scheduled at 1,000km. Thereafter, Toyota recommends that Toyota owners schedule a service appointment every six months or 10,000 kilometers, whichever comer first. The maintenance performed during each service appointment varies by model and year, driving conditions, and other factors that our certified technicians evaluate.