MySDG Actions 2021 Project

During 2021 - Mr. Akio Toyoda, President of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) announced at the Toyota World Convention, Toyota's commitment to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a supplement - TMC started a regional project called, "My SDGs Action - MECA 2021"" in which each MECA distributor member and MECAD member will work on individual, grassroot SDG activities, which will eventually contribute to our Mission: "Producing Happiness for All".

Jan 17, 2022

MECA members take on an issue, whether environmental , social, or relating to society and make a difference in their community through their day-to-day efforts. Employees at BUMC were inspired to make such changes as mentoring young students, diving to pick up and recycling trash items in the Mediterranean sea, and spending time volunteering in their local neighborhoods. This project was maintained by SDG's champions who encouraged colleagues and team members to participate and make change in their lives to contribute to society as a whole. These initiatives complement the social contribution activities, which BUMC has completed in 2021 and will continue working on a corporate level in the new year.
